Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Brian J. Clites

Title: Clergy Sexual Abuse

Subtitle: -

In: The Routledge History of Religion and Politics in the United States sind 1775

Edited by: Cara Lea Burnidge and Lauren Frances Turek

Place: New York, NY, and London

Publisher: Routledge

Year: 2025

Pages: 472-481

Series: The Routledge Histories

ISBN-13: 9781032261331 (hbk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781032290386 (pbk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781003299721 (ebk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | American History: U.S. History | Cases: Real Incidents / Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Types: Child Sexual Abuse; Offenders: Clergymen


Link: Taylor & Francis Online (Restricted Access)


Author: Brian J. Clites, Department of Religious Studies, Case Western Reserve University -, ResearchGate

Abstract: »Although clergy abuse is a centuries-old problem, its recent emergence as a cultural flashpoint has paralleled dramatic changes in how Americans conceptualize gender, sexuality, and childhood. Abuse scandals have emerged across all major religious traditions in the United States. Through judicial and legislative reforms, survivors have spearheaded broader cultural reassessments about sexual assault. By drawing attention to the criminal behavior of their church leaders, Catholic victims have been particularly influential in bringing clergy abuse into the public spotlight. Using Catholic survivors as the primary case study, this chapter explains why religion and sexual abuse has become such a crucial topic in American political discourse.« (Source: Taylor & Francis Online)

  Introduction (p. 472)
  How Catholic Survivors Transformed the National Discourse (p. 473)
  Major Legal Changes (p. 475)
  Moral Discourse and the Media Spotlight (p. 477)
  Expanding the Spotlight (p. 478)
  Conclusion: Reimagining Justice for American Survivors (p. 479)
  Notes (p. 480)

Wikipedia: History of the Americas: History of United States | Catholic Church: Catholic Church in the United States / Catholic Church sex abuse cases in the United States | Sex and the law: Child sexual abuse / Child sexual abuse in the United States